Ngazetungue Muheue
Posted in Remote Work

Welcome to The Remote Worker Life!

We are a group of remote workers from different areas of expertise and different areas of the world getting together to bring you honest, realistic, and empowering resources to achieve a more balanced work-life.

Why honest?

Because we believe a lot of our remote worker peers tend to believe this is the only – sometimes magical – way of working. And we want to set the record straight and show you not only the perks but also the cons of this choice, so you can decide if that makes sense to you or not

Why realistic?

Because we like to base our findings on the reality of most remote workers. And, in case you’re wondering, that photo you saw of a guy with his notebook on a beach somewhere in the Pacific is not the norm, but the exception. We want to show you that working remotely is closer to an option for big corporations than actually the nomadic dream come true.

Why empowering?

Because we want you to have the full set of tools to achieve not only great levels of productivity but also personal satisfaction. Let’s be honest here, remote work is still new and we are in the process of discovery. As with any uncharted territory, preparation will always play a huge part, and that’s why we want to gather the best resources so you don’t go through the same pitfalls we’ve fallen before.


“Yes, of course, I’ll stay all day in the office” Image credit

So that’s pretty much it! We want to not only welcome you but also thank you for joining our community. Your knowledge and your experiences also count, so do reach out to us in the comments or our social media. If you think you need to tell the world something about the remote worker’s life, we’ll help with you that.

Thanks, and see you around!

The post originally written by Geraldo Figueras – Marketing

Joined remote company Xoxzo in July 2017. Major in Marketing. Previously worked developing communication and marketing campaigns focused on content production. Loves creativity and to always balance style with function.